Working on a programme dedicated to making life a bit easier for people living with cancer, each day I am inspired by seeing the hope, strength and resilience many of our clients show to my team.

This week, I have been in London meeting colleagues from Macmillan Cancer Support, who work in partnership with us on the CRT Together programme. When walking out of their offices and passing St Paul’s Cathedral, I watched the inspirational video of Kate, the Princess of Wales talking about her successful cancer treatment on my mobile and the love and support of her family during this difficult period.

Any of us can face a cancer diagnosis and Kate’s video demonstrated the importance of having the right support to deal with the emotional and practical issues which come when you’re dealing with cancer.

Our Link Workers have a really important role with this. They can help people navigate a confusing world of leaflets and forms by getting them to the right organisation to support them with money worries, housing concerns or how they’ll get to their next appointment for treatment.

We also help with the emotional challenges outlined in Kate’s video by signposting people to local cancer support groups in Cwm Taf Morgannwg which provide a chance for people living with cancer to meet and talk about their experiences with others who are in the same position.

They can also deal with many of the practical and emotional issues. While at the “Make Work Better” conference in London, I heard about the struggles many people face in the workplace when dealing with medical issues and it has renewed my determination for our CRT Together team to continue to improve our programme to remove these challenges for people living with cancer.